Introductory questions. These were meant to establish a rapport with the user and set a good starting point to ask more detailed questions about their experience with sleep apnea, e.g. How are you? How has your day been?
General questions about the user’s experience with managing OSA in the past, e.g. Tell me about OSA, when were you diagnosed with it, how has your experience been with dealing with it?
Defined tasks that the participant has to perform with the prototype. Before every task, the user was presented with a scenario that described the task and how they were expected to interact with the prototype. Each task had a set of goals for the user to achieve, which the interiewer would track.
Things to Observe During the Task These were a series of observations which the interviewer was tracking when the users were performing the tasks. The observations would help the design team to determine whether their assumptions on how users would interact with the different features in the prototype were accurate.
Post Task Questions A series of open-ended questions which allowed the interviewer to get detailed feedback from the users on each task that they performed with the prototype.
Debrief After the user had performed all the tasks, the interviewer asked them a series of general questions about the session and the prototype to get their general feedback.
After reviewing the raw notes from the usability sessions, I analysed the findings as follows:
The user research that I conducted over the course of my internship informed several key changes that were made to the product.These changes were well received by the users during our user studies, and they will hopefully help in engaging the product users.